Beech Fork State Park Lodge Development
West Virginia Division of Natural Resources has considered a lodge for Beech Fork State Park since before it was opened in 1979. Several studies were completed in the past examining six possible sites for lodges ranging in size from 75 to 150 rooms. The last studies completed in 1995 recommended a 150 room lodge at Stowers Branch.
WVDNR retained E.L. Robinson’s landscape architects in 2008 to study a new site near the Beech Fork Lake dam and marina for the feasibility of building a 35, 50, or 75 room lodge. This study found from earth work calculation, cost estimates, and slope analysis maps that the Stowers Branch site was still the most desirable based on costs, proximity to the lake, and visual impact on the park.
In 2011, WVDNR retained the team of E.L. Robinson Engineering and ZMM Architects to prepare a feasibility study for a 75 room lodge at the Stowers Branch location. This site is located near the swimming beach owned and operated by US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE)and two miles by road from the Beech Fork Lake Dam.
This site was selected after two previous studies completed in 1994 and 2008. It was concluded that after studying six other possible locations, the Stowers Branch Site proved to be the most desirable location. This study is the basis of WVDNR efforts to lease additional USACOE property for the state park’s facilities expansion.
- Location: Wayne County, West Virginia
- Cost: $35,000,000
- Client: West Virginia Division of Natural Resources
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