Aug 22, 2020ELR’s Employee Message to Our Clients Regarding COVID-19

ELR would like you to know we are at full operational capacity with some modifications due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Certain employees may either be working from home or be working alternative schedules to adjust to the outbreak and its effects. All employees at the office are practicing social distancing, wearing masks in public areas, and sanitizing our places of work. During this time period, ELR has restricted employee travel to only project related occurrences and restricted meetings with our clients to either teleconferencing or video conferencing. We will continue to provide our customers quality service during this time as permitted. ELR asks that you continue to practice social distancing, wear a mask in indoor areas, focus on proper recommended hygiene guidelines, and to look out for your neighbor. We are better together to make it through this unpredictable time.
Employees of ELR