June 24, 2015ELR Charleston Hiring Landscape Architect

E L Robinson Engineering, a WV based 125 person design firm is seeking an entry level landscape architect or land planner for the firm’s landscape architectural practice primarily in WV but also supporting our offices in OH and KY. The project types include streetscapes, parks, trails, city and community planning, residential and commercial development and historic preservation.
Duties will also include supporting the transportation and structures engineering staff with illustrations for proposed design features and the marketing staff with web site support and graphics.
A successful candidate will need to have an excellent skill set with the following programs: AutoCAD 2014, InDesign CC, Illustrator CC, Photoshop CC, ESRI ArcMAP 10.1, Google Sketch-Up and Microsoft Office.
A competitive salary and benefits including health, ESOP, and 401(K) are offered.